Unboxing and Setting up the Plum POS Terminal


This document will provide a journey from getting your POS terminal to unboxing and setting it up

Below are the steps

Step 1: Un-box terminal(s) and power supply(s)

Step 2: Unbox Plum POS Printer (thermal printer) and power supply

Step 3: Unbox Cash drawer(s).

  1. Coaxial cable should be taped to underside of drawer

  2. Keys for the drawer should be taped to the front of the drawer

  3. Remove the white paper on the front of the cash drawer that says keys

    1. You will need to unlock the cash drawer for use. Insert key and turn left. Key should be in a horizontal position for the drawer to operate properly.

    2. Turn the key all the way to the left to open the drawer. Remove packing tape.

  4. Give the keys to the store manager after unlocking the drawer

Step 4: Unbox PAX devices.

  1. PAX devices are terminal specific based on MAC address. (Managed network only)

  2. Make sure to match the MAC addresses of each terminal and PAX device according to the install guide provided. (Managed network only)

  3. There will be a connector cord bundle, back panel, USB power block, USB power cable and the PAX device in the box.

Step 5: Printer Setup - Use step a or b Do not use both

  1. USB Printer Setup

    1. Connect the printer to the terminal using the enclosed USB cable.

    2. USB ports are located under the terminal.

    3. Either port can be used

    4. USB-B port is located on the back of the printer

  2. Network Printer Setup

    1. Discard or save somewhere the USB cable for the printer

    2. Connect the RJ45 cable to the printer in the Ethernet port (for managed networks, check the MAC address to be sure you are connecting the correct printer)

    3. Follow instructions on the Configuration Sheet to activate the printer during terminal configuration

Step 6: Connect the power supply to the printer.

  1. Be sure the power cord is also plugged into the transformer brick.

  2. Power supply only goes in one way. Check to avoid damage

  3. Plug power supply into the power source

Step 7: Load thermal paper into the printer. Thermal shiny side is to be facing out.

  1. Paper should be coming up from the bottom of the roll

  2. Extend paper beyond serrated cutting strip and close printer top.

  3. Tear off excess paper across the cutting bar.

Step 8: Connect the Cash drawer to the printer using the RJ11 coaxial cable that came with the drawer.

  1. Coaxial port is located on the underside of the drawer

  2. Coaxial port is located in the last port on the right on the back of the receipt printer

  3. ***NOTE*** Cash drawer will not function if the printer is turned off.

  4. ***NOTE*** If utilizing an older existing cash drawer, you must use the cable that is already connected to the cash drawer to connect to the printer. Newer cables are not alway compatible with older cash drawers.

  5. Turn the printer on. If using a network connected printer, an ip address will print from the printer after 15 seconds. You will need this information to configure the printer for the terminal.

Step 9: Attach the PAX machine to the network.

  1. On the cable bundle, find the flat/angled USB-c end and connect it to the underside of the PAX device with the flat side against the unit.

  2. Move the adjustable plastic grommet so it sits in the groove at the base of the device between the screw holes.

  3. Attach the back panel to the device using the two screws attached to the back panel. Screw in place to secure using a small Phillips head screwdriver.

  4. Connect the USB power cord to the power block and junction where all cables meet. See picture below